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Agile at Scale: A Blueprint for Organizational Adaptability

In the midst of consistent workplace change, teams often struggle to adapt. What can leaders do to help?
Utilizing tools created to promote adaptability, avoid burnout, and reduce conflict.

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Improve communication and reduce conflict

Reduce unhealthy team conflict through communication

Trust between colleagues is won and lost in communication, and it’s the cause of significant workplace conflicts. But most teams don’t have the tools to understand how to better their communication.

Birkman helps team members by improving awareness of communication styles, which help people understand each other’s strengths and preferences to adapt communication styles when needed – and avoid potential conflict. 

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Team collaboration

Redefining collaboration

Collaboration is the lifeblood of team performance. When challenges and opportunities arise, the sharing of ideas determines how to tackle them best. Birkman highlights how variations in personalities and perspectives is paramount to valuable idea collaboration for any team to ignite innovation and align in a forward direction.

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Elevating the employee experience.

With AI a growing concern for many, investing in the culture, and people aspects of your company can keep your workforce engaged and innovating. Birkman Enterprise leans into technology and The Birkman Method for your whole organization.

Learn more about Birkman Enterprise
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Build a space where innovation thrives

The road to innovation is paved with calculated risks – and usually some mistakes. That’s why it’s critical to create an environment of psychological safety where team members can share ideas without the fear of judgment and criticism. 

With Birkman Insights, leaders discover how to create the trust teams need to voice concerns and say what needs to be said to keep projects moving successfully and avoid unnecessary conflict along the way.

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Motivating the new age

Keep teams engaged and motivated so they can bring their best efforts to the table

Team performance always suffers when people become disengaged or simply find no joy in their day to day responsibilities.

By understanding your team members’ unique workplace Needs and Interests, you have the means to keep them engaged and aligned not only with their daily tasks but with the team and organizational goals.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How does The Birkman Method work with teams?

At Birkman, we believe in helping companies build more effective teams, develop their talent, and do better work. Our team building solutions include the following: 

High-Performing Teams workshop provides a framework to help teams build purpose, clarity, and psychological safety, solving challenges such as conflict resolution, miscommunication, and misalignment in teams.

Birkman Signature is a report to create a memorable language to discuss personality in the workplace, helping teams discover their Birkman behaviors, needs, colors, and symbols.

Birkman at Work toolkits are quick, brief workshops covering team needs, behaviors, and interests to promote better communication.

Find the best solution for your team and schedule a call with Sales.

Can you provide information about the validity and reliability of The Birkman Method?

The Birkman Method assessment is reliable. The assessment's high test-retest reliability ensures consistent results over time, while its high internal consistency reliability reflects strong correlations among the assessment's questions, yielding reliable measurement of traits. These two types of reliability establish the assessment's overall accuracy and dependability.

The Birkman Method assessment is also valid. The assessment's content covers the intended construct domains of interest through research-based development, ensuring content validity. It demonstrates its face validity through the subjective evaluation of the constructs measured by its respondents. Additionally, the assessment demonstrates convergent construct validity and divergent construct validity, respectively, by positively correlating with similar measures and negatively correlating with measures of unrelated constructs. Lastly, The Birkman Method has criterion-related validity through established relationships with various work-related outcomes, such as job performance, career satisfaction, leadership effectiveness, and team dynamics. These five types of validity together establish the assessment's overall validity.

What certifying programs is The Birkman Method Certification accredited with?

The Birkman Method Certification experience can be used toward the following two certifying programs:

International Coach Federation (ICF) – Continuing Coach Education (CCE) and Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) – Professional Development Credits (PDCs)

Invest in the future

Empower your people to be their best, and watch your teams excel.

It's not rocket science, when we feel our best we bring our best to the table. What's holding you back? 

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Gain access to over 40 reports, including the Birkman Signature Report, and data-driven insights to improve your organization or consulting practice.

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Learn how shifting from feedback to feed forward helps you develop talent in real time.

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