Keep your finger on the pulse of employee needs
Pay, schedule, and career advancement are just part of what employees need to be at their best in the workplace. And it’s the unspoken expectations they have of those around them that can lead to conflict and disengagement.
With Birkman, leaders can identify and foster the environments in which individuals can be their best, most productive selves from the moment they enter the hospital doors to to the time they walk off the floor.
Lower the collective blood pressure
In a healthcare environment, stress endangers reputations and lives. That’s why it’s critical to deal with it effectively.
We’ll show your team how to understand their unique stress triggers and reactions, helping them create a plan to minimize stress and avoid burnout.
Leverage each team member’s unique strengths
We all have unique strengths, and they’re how we most effectively contribute to our team’s efforts. We’ll help you tap into those positive personality traits and amplify them so that your staff will thrive.
By recognizing those differentiators, you can better align your people to the challenges that will inspire and reward their efforts.
Identify workplace interests that spark engagement
There are workplace activities that energize employees, and other tasks that drain them.
Birkman can show you how to structure task assignments accordingly so your staff stays motivated every time they put on their scrubs.