Birkman Colors are an easy way to talk about your unique personality type
Birkman Colors are an easy way to talk about your unique personality type and are measured by four benchmarks: Usual Behavior, Interests, Needs, and Stress Behavior. By understanding your behaviors, expectations, and stressors through four easy-to-remember colors, you can better develop your communication and decision-making skills, increase your self-awareness, and enhance your performance.

Red represents action and energy. Known as the Doer, Birkman Reds tend to make quick decisions, aim for practical results, prefer objective tasks, and like to work with their hands.

Yellow represents order, processes, and systems. Known as the Analyzer, Birkman Yellows like guidelines and details, prefer to schedule their activities, and are task and rule-oriented.

Blue represents innovation, creativity, and working with ideas. Known as the Thinker, Birkman Blues focus on long-term planning, need time for reflection, and enjoy discovering new ways to solve problems.

Green represents persuading and communicating with people. Known as the Communicator, Birkman Greens like to motivate others, enjoy working around people, are competitive, and prefer a variety of activities in the workplace.

Discover your team’s Birkman Colors and how they help shape the team dynamic.
Our Signature Report goes beyond the surface level to describe your Usual Behavior, Interests, Needs, and Stress Behaviors.
Download a Sample Report