5 Steps To Maintaining Positive Team Morale With Assessments
Your team building journey will differ depending on your team’s needs. Looking for a short and sweet activity to boost an already positive environment? Keep reading! Need a solution that can solve a more profound issue? Check out our “Deep Dive” roadmap, which paves the way for those needing a solution to improve team morale, solve team challenges or resolve a conflict. Either way, personality assessments are a personalized way to encourage team productivity under any condition.
*This post is a shortened version of Chapter 5 from our 73-page eBook on Teams. If you find this information helpful as you scroll through, you might be interested in checking out the full chapter in the eBook for more tips, diagrams, and guides.
If you’re still reading, chances are you have a strong, high-performing team, and you’re hoping to reinforce those positive dynamics, which is a great way to contribute to the overall employee experience! For this method, focus on assessments that provide high-level insights into personality, or ones that can scale within your company. Because the goal of this team building session is to bond and have fun together as a team, it is not necessary to select an in-depth assessment. Instead, choose the one that you think will resonate the most with your team. This approach will save your organization time and money, as well as keep the mood light. Now let’s jump into how this process works.
Step 1: Before administering the assessment to your team, be sure to share the goal of the session with all participants. Making the team aware of the reasons why they are being asked to complete the assessment can help generate interest and ensure they answer the questions honestly. When you’re ready for the group to take the assessment, ensure there’s ample time for everyone to finish—you want to be sure the experience remains positive to keep people energized.
Step 2: Next it’s important to spend time researching the specific assessment you chose and the types of reports it can provide. Focus on one or two key reports and stick to those. You will overwhelm the group if you try to accomplish too much in the first session. Next, familiarize yourself with the results of each person on your team and make comparisons about how they relate to the group. Begin to formulate a list of questions you’d like to have the group discuss. Need help coming up with some? Start here:
- Do you agree with your results? Why/Why not?
- Can you give an example of a time you may have demonstrated a behavior that reflects your results?
- How do you think your strengths and weakness play into the overall team?
To break up discussions, adding in a few activities to the session is a great way to engage and energize your team! We’ve given you an example in our Ultimate Guide to Using Assessments for Team Building.
Step 3: Now it’s time to prepare for the session. Here’s a checklist that can keep you organized:
Step 4: With all that under your belt, it’s time to kick off the session. Start by reminding the team of your goals and giving a quick overview of the assessment’s unique terminology and concepts to keep everyone on the same page. As you dig into discussions with your group, keep an eye out for individuals who shy away from sharing. Try to keep them engaged to ensure everyone’s voice is heard. Reinforce that the goal of this session is to have fun, and that there are no right or wrong personalities. Remember to pepper in activities to keep the mood light.
Step 5: After the session, you’ll want to get feedback from the group to gauge how effective the time was in meeting your goals. You can do this by asking questions like “what did you like and dislike about the session,” “did you feel comfortable sharing your results,” and “did you learn anything about the team?” If you get an overwhelmingly positive response from your team, you might want to consider expanding your use of assessments. You could do this by hosting additional sessions, upgrading to a more in-depth assessment, or weaving conversations about personality into your day-to-day discussions.
Get More Insight From Our Assessments for Team Building eBook Series
This topic is featured in the first of our three-part Assessments for Team Building eBook series. Get all the information you’ll need to select an assessment, so you can save time and focus on what matters--optimizing your team! Download the eBook today!