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How can Birkman Enterprise solve org-wide issues?

Birkman icons proven science

Proven Science: People development is an art that begins with the science of The Birkman Method. Organizations around the globe have trusted Birkman for over 70 years because of the powerful insights Birkman provides on Motivation, Self-Perception, and Social Perception.

Birkman icons digital technology

Digital Technology: The MyBirkman platform enables immediate scalability of Birkman across the organization by putting Birkman insights right into the hands (or devices) of your employees.

Birkman icons human experience

Human Experience: Workshops and coaching sessions create the meaningful interactions, shared experiences, and life-changing conversations that have the power to transform leaders and teams

Scale performance by providing connection – between every employee, and across every team.

Shared Language of Personality

Connects every level of the organization through the shared language of personality

Provides neutral terms to discuss complex perceptions

Personality is nuanced, and labels can be polarizing. Birkman allows every member of every team to understand and describe complex perceptions with a shared language. In doing so, they reinforce that perceptions are not inherently good or bad – they’re just different.

Helps teams unite despite different perceptions

When teams collectively align behind appreciating differences in perception as a multiplier for innovation and productivity, they open the door for meaningful connection with colleagues –  and a higher level of organizational performance.

Ongoing Relational Intelligence

Provides in-the-moment and ongoing relational intelligence through the MyBirkman platform

Easily accessible for every employee

Organizational knowledge is always most useful when there’s a low-friction, easily accessible way for every employee to apply it. But with deadlines, unforeseeable delays, and other everyday challenges, it can be hard for teams to keep relationship insights top of mind. MyBirkman technology is available on every device to consistently deliver actionable personality insights to each employee. 

Applicable insights for common work scenarios

MyBirkman simplifies the integration of Birkman into everyday work scenarios, giving individuals – regardless of title or function – the on the spot and ongoing tools they need to optimize how they interact with others as a lever for performance.

In-House Birkman Expertise

Experiences designed to bring a deeper level of Birkman expertise to your organization

Birkman Certified Professional Certification

The best business results come when subject matter experts are a part of the team. And experts can be a part of your team through The Birkman Method certification, included with Birkman Enterprise.

Team Building Workshops

Birkman Enterprise solutions also include access to team-building workshops on topics such as conflict and stress management, allowing organizations to consistently dig deeper into Birkman data, and elevate team performance across all organizational functions.

Topical Reports and Toolkits

Topical reports to target specific team challenges and opportunities

Individual Reports

Once employees know the impact their perceptions have on their work, they may want a way to better understand specific behaviors that can work for or against them in the workplace. Birkman Enterprise includes access to custom reports that create blueprints for employees for putting their personalities to work in the best way possible.

Team Reports

Most teams experience unhealthy conflict or unproductive stress that can hold back performance. Workshop toolkits covering topics such as stress management and how to manage differences in perception allow facilitated discussions to get teams back on track and collaborate most effectively. 

Focused Individual Coaching

Individual coaching and development discussions with your Birkman expert

Harnesses unique strengths to meet team goals

Armed with tailored personalized insights, Birkman Certified Professionals can partner with employees at all levels of the organization  – from high-potential individual contributors to team leaders and executives – to provide coaching on how to best use

Create personalized development plans

Employees want to work for companies that care about their career development. Coaching with Birkman Enterprise means you have a blueprint for discussing each individual’s unique workplace motivations and an action plan for mitigating behavioral blind spots that could hold back career advancement.

BE Features Accordian

In business, numbers matter. But the numbers only come with the right investment in your employees.

Every employee on your team is complex. And you need a complex set of tools and resources to connect and understand them.

See How Birkman Enterprise Can Help You
Enterprise Features Speed Bump

We go beyond data to improve relationships and performance.

Meaningfully developing talent and improving organizational performance takes the right plan, the right resources, and a low-friction way to implement it across the company. We’ve designed Birkman Enterprise so you can easily scale the language of personality across your organization for consistent impact within a predictable talent development budget.

Icon questionnaires

Questionnaires for every employee

Birkman Enterprise helps develop every employee – regardless of rank or title – so they can can all stay connected, invested, and on the best professional path within your organization.

Icon my Birkman

MyBirkman platform available on every device

With personality insights for themselves and their colleagues always accessible via MyBirkman, every employee has the relational intelligence they need to contribute and collaborate at their best.

Icon questionnaires

On demand, customized Birkman reports

Birkman Enterprise comes with access to individualized, topical reports so you’re equipped with the right insights to address issues with key leaders or high-potential employees.

Icons workshopsandtoolkits

Workshops and toolkits to strengthen team dynamics and improve collaboration

Our turnkey resources are designed to help facilitate focused sessions to tackle common obstacles that prevent teams from doing their best work.

Icons certification

Access to The Birkman Method Certifications for your internal team

With Birkman experts on your team – and the ability to certify additional employees in the event of turnover – you’ll have the deep Birkman knowledge you need to get the greatest ongoing impact from Birkman tools and resources.

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Dedicated specialist to ensure seamless integration

You won’t be on your own as you set about transforming your team. Your investment comes with a dedicated integration specialist to ensure your organization has the support it needs to roll out Birkman Enterprise quickly and seamlessly.

Ready to take the guesswork out of teamwork?

We’ll set up a time to learn more about your organization’s challenges and how Birkman Enterprise can help solve them.

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Register for The Birkman Method Certification

Gain access to over 40 reports, including the Birkman Signature Report, and data-driven insights to improve your organization or consulting practice.

Register to Attend

Featured Resource

Nav Resource Panel Webinar

Watch the webinar on demand.

Learn how shifting from feedback to feed forward helps you develop talent in real time.

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