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Employee experience refers to the experience employees have from hiring and onboarding to team building to when they decide to leave. These interactions can be with their team, management, cross-functionally, technology, processes, and development opportunities. Moreover, just as customer experience is essential in maintaining a healthy customer base, employee experience is important for driving organizational growth.

Achieving positive employee experience through the onboarding process influences the success of the company positively.

So, how does employee experience affect the overall organization performance? Read on to find out and learn a few ways to improve it.

Increased productivity

A positive employee experience starts with an inclusive culture, a comfortable workspace, effective communication, and a good boss. Employees love working in a place where they are understood and feel valued as a part of the team. They value working where their physical and mental well-being are catered for. Such experiences lead to job satisfaction and happy employees.

Happy and satisfied employees are highly engaged in their work, thus impacting productivity. They give their best in their roles to achieve great results and better quality work. They also enjoy working at the company and rarely miss work. In addition, happy brains highly likely translate to creative minds. Positive employee performance enhances creativity and innovation across the organization.

Improved retention

One of the areas that affect organizational performance is employee turnover. If employees don’t stay with your organization for long, the performance is bound to suffer. For starters, hiring and rehiring are expensive, which will likely to eat into your profits. Losing a team member can leave the team disoriented and unmotivated, affecting overall morale.

In addition, productivity is lost significantly in the period between an employee leaving the organization and finding a replacement. Typically, the most probable action when this occurs is to assign the work of the employee who left to another team member. Unfortunately, if the team is overworked, performance drops. In addition, it most likely takes more time for new hires to adjust to the new role.

Ensuring a positive employee experience influences your employees to stay with your company longer, which helps avoid instances that impede performance.

Better workplace culture

Workplace culture is like the personality of the organization. If it happens to be toxic, employees will dread working for the organization, derailing performance. On the other hand, employees will give their all–energy, attention, and interest–in a company if the quality of work is improved. When employees are happy, they are likely to live the company values and use best practices to achieve company goals. Moreover, they set an example and positively influence the rest of the team.

Better workplace culture can be achieved by promoting good values (such as trust and transparency), influencing positive attitudes in the team and leadership, giving employees a sense of purpose, helping them achieve a good work-life balance. Moreover, paying employees on time and accurately is a good way to promote good values such as trust, honesty, and transparency. Outsourcing the payroll to an employer of records helps achieve this as well as better payroll management. This translates to fewer complaints and a positive outlook about the company to the employees.

Enhanced customer support

In the current customer-centric business world, it is safe to say that your organization hasn’t performed if it fails to provide its customers with the best experience. Customers have too many options at their disposal. If dissatisfied with your organization, they won’t hesitate to look another way, which is a loss to your organization.

It is good to note that improved customer experience starts with a good employee experience. When your employees are happy about the organization, they are likely to carry the same feeling to the customers. They will be engaged to deliver impeccable customer support and sell your organization positively. In addition, they will approach the customers with attention and the best attitude to help the organization forge meaningful relationships with the customers.

Increased sales and profits

Ultimately, an organization's performance is measured by its revenue and profits. An organization that focuses on positive employee experience achieves a boost in these two. As said earlier, happy employees equal low employee turnover, which reduces hiring costs and increases profits. Happy customers bring in more sales, become loyal customers, and refer more people to your business.


Employee experience has become an integral part of running a business as more organizations strive to find ways to make it better. This is because they have realized that it is key in driving company-wide performance. A positive employee experience increases engagement and job satisfaction, which results in increased productivity, more sales, improved bottom line, better company culture, enhanced customer experience, and improved employee turnover rate. Connect with a sales representative at Birkman so you can find out how they can help your employees have the best experience at your organization

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